Friday, December 15, 2017


This blog was developed to be one of the several ways I am called to contrbute to the maturity of the Body of Christ. 

 This will serve as a platform to share what the Lord puts in my heart to give, but to do it in short manageable portions that are; plain,  practical and to the point of the matter:

  • This keeps me within the boundaries of my anointing for the day.

  • I leave room for the Holy Spirit to give revelation to the reader without any interference from me. This promotes the spiritual maturity of the reader. I do not intend to  produce anymore "spoon-fed" disciples, who require me to "chew and digest" the Word of God for them, instead of seeking the truth for themselves.

  • It gives us more to learn, with less to read (can I get an Amen!)

Grace and Peace

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