Saturday, January 6, 2018


5 Ways To Eat Healthier "On The Run"

Let me begin by saying that, "busyness" is one of the thugs I contend with on a regular basis. It threatens the time I spend tending to my spiritual disciplines.

Because of time constraints, it is inevitable that we may find ourselves having to study and meditate on the scriptures while we're "on the move".

A habit of "eating on the run" is not spiritually healthy at all, but there are times we may have to get the Word of God in, whenever and however, we can get it in. 

Here are some tips to consider:
  1. Be mindful of your portions. Focus on small portions of scriptures or readings. We can only digest a certain amount of truth at a time.  Remember, we are called to study the Scripture, not to just read it, we study to get the understanding of what's said!
  2. Be careful where you eat. Too many of us depend too much on others to do our studying for us. We must be mindful of how the Word was prepared. If we're not, this can lead to deception. Take the time to check the scriptures for yourself! Be sure wherever your getting fed, your being fed truth.
  3. Choose from the menu wisely. Whether the Word is preached or written, we have many options to select from. Be led of the Holy Spirit for what He intends to teach for the moment. Whether milk,  meat, sweet or sour, it is all good, but it needs to be consumed in the correct proportion.

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